Still the most effective way to market to schools
Direct Postal Mailing
Your mailing, mailed when you want, to who you want
Saving you time and money – We can save you 60% on your postage alone!
Don't just take our word for it…
Schools Mailing worked amazingly hard pulling together relevant contact details of teachers, educators and schools. In-turn, we had a huge volume of applicants, which exceeded the previous year.

British Science Association
We had an excellent experience with Schools Mailing from start to finish. They gave us personable, valuable feedback on our flyer and email marketing which made us believe that they wanted our product to be successful. We have had at least 50 bookings as a result of the campaign so it was well worth the money and we will use this company again.

Your Space Therapies
We used Schools Mailing to break into the school market using Direct Mailings. They handled all the print, fulfilment and data. Their service is efficient, friendly and their prices were better than other companies. We have had such a good response that we are looking to expand our mailing program.

SLS Select Education
Thank you so much for printing and posting of our brochures. We’ve had an excellent response.

Image Playgrounds
Thank you for undertaking that massive direct mailing, everything was timely and cost effective.

Pearson Education
Most remarkable service we have ever experienced!

We had quite a few trials from this postal and email campaign so would like to repeat it.

The mailing has gone really well; we are receiving orders averaging at 45 new schools per week!

La Jolie Ronde
Schools Mailing are experts in what they do! The whole team is dedicated to ensuring your campaign is a huge success and they are always just a phone call or email away. The guides have dropped from the postal mailing and our phone has been ringing off the hook.

RMP Enterprise
I would like to thank School’s Mailing most sincerely for all of the hard work and support you have provided for me and for NACE during my years as CEO.

It’s certainly been the best campaign we’ve had so far for bringing in new members – close to 200 joined since it went out, and still getting some from that now… so we’ll definitely look at doing it again.

ANME Group
Up to 90% open rate.
42% of recipients read or scan the direct mail they receive.
Response rates up to 9 times higher than any other advertising channel.
39% of consumers try a business for the first time as a result of direct mail.
Call us now on 0117 958 4572
Ask us how to increase your response rates
- We have seen everything over the years from inserting Chocolate to…
- Our advice is free so call us now on 0117 9584572